Fermenting Feed for Healthy Chickens

Author: Natural Chicken Health  

As backyard chicken keeping gains popularity, many poultry enthusiasts are turning to natural and holistic methods to enhance their flock's health and well-being. One such practice gaining traction is the use of fermented feed for chickens. Fermented feed is a traditional method of preserving and enhancing the nutritional value of feed by allowing beneficial bacteria to break down the feed through the process of fermentation.


What is so good about fermented feed?

Fermented feed has several benefits for chickens. Firstly, it increases the bioavailability of nutrients, making it easier for chickens to absorb and utilise the essential vitamins, minerals, and enzymes present in the feed. This can lead to improved overall health, better egg production, and stronger immune systems in chickens. Additionally, the fermentation process helps to break down complex carbohydrates and proteins in the feed, making it more digestible for chickens and reducing the risk of digestive issues.

Another advantage of fermented feed is its potential to enhance gut health in chickens. The fermentation process encourages the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut, which can improve the balance of gut microbiota and support a healthy digestive system. This can be particularly beneficial in preventing common issues such as diarrhoea and bloat in chickens.


How to make fermented feed

Fermented feed is also easy and cost-effective to produce at home. It can be made using a variety of grains, such as corn, wheat, or oats, and can be fermented with water and a starter culture, which can be as simple as a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or whey from yoghurt. The feed is typically soaked in water for a period of time, allowing the beneficial bacteria to multiply and ferment the feed. Once fermented, it can be fed to chickens as a wet mash or mixed with dry feed.

Fermented feed should be introduced gradually to chickens, as sudden changes in diet can upset their digestive systems. It's also crucial to maintain proper hygiene and cleanliness during the fermentation process to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.


Incorporating fermented feed into your chooks diet

In conclusion, fermented feed is a natural and cost-effective method to enhance the health and well-being of chickens. It can improve the bioavailability of nutrients, aid in digestion, and promote a healthy gut microbiota in chickens. By incorporating fermented feed into their diet, backyard chicken keepers can provide their feathered friends with a wholesome and nutritious food source that may contribute to their overall vitality and productivity.


More about fermented feed here....

If you would like to view the video all about fermented & sprouted grains, home-made nutritious and natural foods for your chickens, as well as getting the most out of your bagged feeds click HERE


Diatomaceous Earth

As a chicken mites treatment sprinkle Diatomaceous Earth on the coop floor, in nesting boxes and dust bathing areas. Care should be taken to avoid getting DE dust into your lungs or eyes. When handling, protect yourself with goggles and a face mask.


Super Mash

Provide your flock with a monthly supplement of Super Mash containing garlic and sulphur as a great general health boost over Winter.

Find out more, order online and check for a Super Mash outlet near you at https://naturalchickenhealth.com.au/

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