Googie Eggs, Cackleberries and Bumnuts!
Author: Natural Chicken Health

…..Whatever you call them, once you’ve tasted the difference between farm fresh eggs and store bought, there’s no going back! Not only is the taste and the colour of the yolk different, but farm fresh eggs are far more nutritious.
The average egg in the supermarket can be up to 8 weeks old by the time you buy it.
Studies show that farm fresh eggs have • 1/3 less cholesterol • 1/4 less saturated fat • 2/3 more vitamin A• 2 times more omega- 3 fatty acids• 3 times more vitamin E• 7 times more beta carotene.
Good farm fresh eggs are delicious, with bright yolks and firm whites and isn’t it great to know what our chooks are eating and what is going into the eggs they lay? It is also nice to know that your eggs are fresh. There are some important things to know about handling and storing your eggs which will greatly affect how tasty they are and how long they will keep.
Fresh eggs should be collected at least once a day (in the afternoon), or more often if possible, especially in warmer weather or if chooks are leaning toward broody. Leaving them longer increases the risk of the chickens damaging them, getting mucky or broken. Be sure to clean up any broken eggs and eggy nesting material to avoid your chooks getting a taste for it.
CLEANING – don’t wash them
Eggs can at times be pretty dirty and need to be cleaned. Clean lightly soiled eggs with a clean, dry, abrasive cloth. If they are very mucky, use dry steel wool or fine sandpaper.
Eggshells have a natural “bloom”/protective cuticle that acts as a barrier against air and bacteria. Wet washing removes this barrier from the eggshell and can increase the penetration of bacteria. Keeping the bloom intact will keep your eggs fresh.
If any eggs are really very dirty and must be washed, rinse them immediately with warm water (cool water can cause bacteria to be pulled into the egg through the pores in the shell) and try to use them immediately or refrigerate them straight away to use soon. You could also scramble them up for your dog or to feed back to your chooks. They are a super nutritious treat for the chickens and fed in this manner won’t lead to egg eating in your flock.
STORING eggs – best not refrigerated
Eggs don’t really need to be refrigerated and, I think, retain more flavour when stored in the cupboard, like lots of other types of food.
In saying that, if you aren’t planning on eating your eggs for quite a while, best refrigerate them. One day at room temperature is equivalent to about a week in the fridge so they will keep about seven times longer. Washed eggs won’t taste as fresh as unwashed eggs of the same age.
Otherwise keep them in a dark cupboard and have a system in place so that the older eggs are on top, used first or collection date noted on each carton.
Eggs should always be stored with the pointy end down. The air sac in the blunt end helps keep moisture from being lost. Because eggshells are porous and will absorb odours, they should be stored in a carton or covered container.
Never eat eggs that are cracked, leaking, or stuck to the bottom of the carton – though these are fine to feed to our dogs or chooks.
Save the eggshells, dry and crush them to feed to your chickens as an excellent source of much-needed calcium.
Managing EGGCESS
You can freeze either the whites, yolks or both and they will keep for up to 10 months.
Further info on how to do this in these links:
Freezing Eggs
You can also dehydrate/dry eggs.
Powdered eggs are terrific for camping/hiking as a smart, reliable source of protein. You can do this with raw or cooked eggs, using either a dehydrator or an oven.
Dehydrating eggs for powdering
Cooked Mayonnaise
Here’s one of my best, tastiest, go-to ways of using lots of eggs when your chooks are in full production.
This easy to make, delicious mayo keeps very well in the fridge and makes a perfect Summer gift.
8 eggs
2 tablespoons icing sugar
2 teaspoons salt
60 grams butter
6 teaspoons dry mustard
1 ½ cups of milk & cream mixture or either
¾ cup white vinegar
Place all ingredients into a saucepan and whisk briskly over medium heat gradually decreasing heat as ingredients melt & combine.
Keep whisking on low heat until thickened. Best to do this slowly. Be careful not to let it boil.
Bottle hot into small sterilised jars. Cool then refrigerate.
EGGS for hatching
The cleanliness and condition of the eggs will affect the hatch so select only your finest, cleanest eggs. In assembling your ‘clutch’ store the fertile eggs pointed end down in a cool location turning them several times a day until you have enough collected. Eggs will generally stay viable for 7-10 days after being laid if stored properly. Put them all under your broody hen at the same time so they will all hatch together.
Not sure if it is a GOOD-EGG?
If you aren’t sure how old an egg is, you can submerge it in water. The freshest eggs will remain at the bottom of the container, while old eggs will float. An egg that is two to three weeks old will start to rise up off the bottom of the glass. It is still perfectly good to eat, just not quite as fresh. Floaters should either be discarded or opened with your arms outstretched!
You can find farm fresh eggs at your local farmer’s market. The bottom line is that farm fresh eggs taste better, and hold more nutritional value than store bought eggs. If you don’t believe me, then test it out for yourself. Support your local community and take the time to buy some farm fresh eggs because fresh will always taste better.